We have the products noone else have
Margareta Skogsberg
Alkrantzvägen 2
Tel. +46 73-2032615



Very popular puppy pen of amazing hefty construction. The pen is composed of eight sections - each section is 80 x 80 cm - including a door section. At completion with 4 sections, the pen will be 5.8 square meters and cost 2500: -.
3.8 cm between the bars. The pen is standing intact to the ground surface, without gap subsections. Many puppies have been injured when they got stuck in the gap that many pastures have between sections and surfaces.

The pen is the market's heaviest puppy pen, it weighs 20 kg in total and is a bit more than 2,6 square meter, which means that it is stable also for wild puppies.

The sections are put together with "metal spear" that makes it easy to build on the pen with additional sections. "Metal spears" does not destroy floors indoors. And outdoors, they can run into such lawn for secure placement, as they are long enough.

The pen is very practical, since it is easy to remove one section at a time for cleaning by scrubbing it clean and rinse.

We are the only company that sells separate door sections.

Price: 7 sidesections + 1 doorsection: 1600 SEK
Additional sidesections: 225 SEK/each
Additional doorsections: 300 SEK/each

Additional sections are only sold to customers who bought their puppy pen from us.

Colored pens: 2350 SEK (colours Purple, Pink, Red and Blue)
Extra sidesections colored pen: 325 SEK/each
Extra doorsections colored pen: 425 SEK/each




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